The short term effects of the Haiti earthquake are buildings and roads destroyed, lack of food and clean drinking water, and lack of temporary shelter and drugs and medicines. The long term effects are the economic problems of trying to rebuild houses and businesses, and children who have been left with no parents. We believe that Rotarians can best assist Haiti with the long term goals.

This can be achieved by: 1. Preparation of the club to respond to national or international disasters in close collaboration with other New York Rotary Clubs, the District Governor and Rotary International. In particular, to work closely with the Rotary International Action Groups to ensure coordination and consistency for Rotary assistance. 2. To acquaint Rotary Club of New York members with avenues for giving and assisting with the Rotary Club Partnerships in recipient countries. 3. To work closely with the New York Rotary Foundation on disaster contributions and earmarking of the donor’s contributions.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rotary Club of New York Donates $10,000 to Fraternite Notre Dame Mission in Haiti

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

In response to the desperate situation in Haiti and reports from fellow Rotarians, we request your urgent attention and contributions for Haiti Disaster Relief. “An estimated 1.5 million people were left homeless by the 7.0-magnitude quake, which some have estimated has killed as many as 200,000 people. (BBC, January 22,2010)

The New York Rotary Foundation has approved $10,000 to the Fraternite Notre Dame Team for transport to the Dominican Republic and supplies. As members of the Rotary Club of New York, we know this team well and have full confidence for their important work in Haiti with French language capabilities, a mission hospital and outreach to a large number of communities.

We encourage you to send the contributions directly to the New York Rotary Foundation so the contributions can be tracked. The contribution/check should be made payable to the New York Rotary Foundation with the memo/for line to state, Haiti Disaster Relief.

If Rotary Members wish to support other initiatives, we invite you to submit the proposal directly to the New York Rotary Foundation. Funds can be earmarked for the group of your choice. Your contribution/check should specify this earmarking.

Make the checks payable to the New York Rotary Foundation and forward to:

The Rotary Club of New York

322 Eighth Avenue

Suite 701

New York, N.Y. 10024

Also, we also ask you to join the Emergencies and Disaster Recovery Working Group. The focal point is Hugh Fox in collaboration with Sheila Washington, Paul Caruso and Helen Reisler.,, , Hugh will be working closely with the New York Rotary Foundation for this campaign drive.

We urge you to contribute and request matching funds from your companies and other colleagues. Let us support Rotarians and save lives in Haiti.

With our appreciation,

The Emergencies and Disaster Recovery Working Group

International Service Division.

Rotary Club of New York

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